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Do you need to replace your boiler and don't know which technology to turn to? Many models on the market run on gas, electricity, or even solar energy. Zara Heating presents the condensing boiler as one of the most efficient on the market. Discover how it works and all its advantages.
A boiler is considered condensing when designed to permanently reduce a significant part of the water vapour contained in the combustion gases. The condensing boiler is a type of sealed gas boiler with a technology that saves up to 30% of gas and reduces CO2 pollution. This exponential increase in efficiency is due to its ability to take advantage of the heat that escaped from smoke in old boilers.
With a non-condensing boiler, a not insignificant part of the latent heat is evacuated by the fumes, implying a very high temperature of the combustion products that can reach 120°C. Using a condensing boiler makes it possible to recover a considerable part of this latent heat. This energy recovery considerably reduces the temperature of the combustion gases, lowering them to 45°C or lower values, thus limiting gas emissions contaminants.
Compared to conventional boilers, condensing boilers achieve savings of around 25-30% in energy consumption and reduce NO and CO2 emissions by up to 70%.
The operating principle of this type of boiler is based on the condensation process: a phase change of a substance in a gaseous state (steam) to a liquid form. This phase change generates a certain amount of energy called "latent heat."
The transition from gas to liquid depends, among other factors, on pressure and temperature. Condensation at a given temperature entails releasing energy; thus, the liquid state is more favourable from an energetic point of view.
Condensing boilers, a perfectly developed technology implanted in the heating sector, are high-performance boilers based on using the latent heat of condensation present in the combustion fumes.
Condensing boilers turn out to be the most efficient gas boilers due to their peculiar operation, which yields close to 100% of the superior calorific value, including the calorific power provided by condensation. We must remember that when the yields of the boilers were analyzed based on the lower calorific power, the results were around 115%, but that measurement system is no longer used.
These levels of efficiency are achieved since these devices recover the latent heat from the condensation of water vapours. This heat was wasted in conventional boilers in the smoke outlet.
These boilers achieve savings of around 25-30% in energy consumption compared to boilers that work without this technology. This directly translates into significant economic savings on the energy bill each month, allowing the investment in the boiler to be paid back within a few months.
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Q: What kind of fuel does your boiler use?
The recovery of condensation energy allows the boiler to work at low temperatures, improving efficiency and thus limiting emissions of polluting gases.
Condensing boilers reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by up to 70%. Therefore, the gradual replacement of older boilers by condensing boilers in Spain would help reduce gas emissions that cause the greenhouse effect and avoid harmful effects on the atmosphere and public health such as photochemical smog.
Condensation technology is a small technological contribution to the process of trying to achieve a more sustainable planet.
In conventional boilers, the temperature of the fumes and water in the boiler must be above the dew point temperature of the gases, preventing them from effectively adjusting to variations in demand.
Condensing boilers, on the other hand, adapt to the demand in any equipment operating range. The minimum power is very low, meaning they work without stops, obtaining considerable savings.
The condensing boilers work non-stop, so we avoid the continuous "explosive" sound on and off. In addition, the fan that injects the air-gas mixture is modulating, so it adapts to the amount of fuel we burn.
They are difficult to install: This is not the case, they do not require additional installation prerequisites other than a drain. The escape of gases to the outside is not an issue, and numerous accessories are available to locate the terminal without causing inconvenience.
They are incompatible with traditional heating: You must clean them well after the change (with pressurized water) and check that the regulation system and the accumulator are adequate.
If there is no condensation, they do not perform, and therefore they are inefficient: Condensing boilers always have better performance, whether they condense or not. If they do, the results will be optimal, but even without getting the most out of it, they are better than conventional ones.
They are so expensive that it is not worth it. There is indeed a difference in price with the standard ones, but it pays for itself in a short time with the savings in consumption.
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Q: What kind of fuel does your boiler use?